Introducing "Learn in Public: Python"

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Introducing "Learn in Public: Python"

I was learning Python. I stopped learning Python. I am learning Python.


3 min read

In this series, I will post regularly about my journey learning Python.


This series is a documentary-like of my learning journey of Python - if you're learning Python, you might find some useful information in these articles.

Simply read any articles that draw your attention and skip the one that does not deserve your time! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you want more background on the reasons behind learning Python, you can continue to read below.

Otherwise, move to the good stuff by checking any of the articles of this series!

Expanding your horizons ๐ŸŒŒ

I was learning Python ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Python is a very popular language. I heard so much about it that I decided to learn more about it a couple of years ago.

I spent a few days on it but never been further than writing a few scrapers using Beautiful Soup and playing with Panda tables.

I had even built an ugly little GUI using TKinter.

But I didn't continue to learn Python. I had no use for it.

I stopped learning Python ๐Ÿ™Š

I gave up on Python as I didn't really have a use for it.

At the time, I was also juggling between projects for clients using Laravel + Vue, React + Go or even Gatsby.

It was also a time when I was pushing hard to progress in acrobatic paragliding.

I didn't really have the time nor the bandwidth to learn another language.

So I left Python behind. I had no hate for Python, but I see any use for it.

I am learning Python again ๐Ÿ™‰

So why would I learn Python again, two years later?

One: the Job

First of all, as part of my new role, I need to learn Python. That, in itself, is reason enough.

While I will be front-end focused, being fluent in your back-end language is a huge advantage.

Two: the Toolbox Theory ๐Ÿงฐ

I am convinced that languages are nothing tools.

Having been exposed to multiple languages, you realise that they all solve the same issue. However, they all have their strengths and weakness.

Choosing the right tool for the job is not crucial in your success, but it certainly help.

Three: Expand your horizons ๐ŸŒŒ

My main language is JavaScript (or nowadays, TypeScript). But I have never said no to learning a new language.

In my previous role, I have spent some time working with Rust ๐Ÿฆ€. Before that, it was PHP ๐Ÿ˜. And even before that, I played with Flutter ๐Ÿฆ, Golang ๐Ÿญ or C ๐Ÿค–

Each time, it has been an amazing (and sometimes difficult!) journey. Each time, it has taught me a lot more about programming.

Each language shares the same concepts; however, they all have their own quirks.

Studying different languages exposes you to new paradigms and new ways of thinking.

It expands your technical creativity and pushes you out of your comfort zone.

It makes you grow as a developer.

And I guess this is the main reason I am always happy to say yes to a new language.

On this note, let's move on to more practical articles โœ๏ธ
